Two types of addiction exist namely behavioral and substance addiction. When an individual is addicted to substances, it means that they are addicted to alcohol or drugs.
In comparison, being addicted to a behavior means that you indulge in some activities that produce similar short-term and long-term effects like substance addiction.
Here are some of the common types of behavioral addiction
Internet addiction
In this technology age, it is easy to spend several hours on the internet because of the numerous activities that go on there. Some people spend an unhealthy amount of hours on the internet, and when they don’t have access for some time, they experience some unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.
Shopping addiction
Shopping addiction is a type of addiction that occurs when you buy things compulsively without any control. Some people go on shopping to eliminate some negative feelings, and when they are done shopping, they realize that they never needed those items.
Gambling addiction
If you see someone with a compulsive and obsessive desire to gamble because they want to win big, then they most likely have a gambling addiction. People who are addicted to gambling tend to run into huge debts because they need a constant supply of funds to keep fueling their habit.

Sex addiction
Sex addiction is another type of behavioral addiction whose existence has been debated for a long time. However, someone dealing with sex addiction displays a compulsive pattern that is similar to being addicted to other types of addiction.
Video gaming addiction
Video gaming addiction characterizes a problematic use of video games to the point where it affects the individual in different aspects of their life.
Most times, people who struggle with video gaming addiction are teenagers and young adults. When they don’t have access to video games for some time, they exhibit withdrawal symptoms typical of substance addiction.
Food addiction
Food addiction occurs when an individual develops an emotional and psychological dependence on food. Such individuals are more likely to eat meals high in sugar, fat, salt, and fat. They will keep eating such meals not minding the negative consequences that come with it.