The Effects of Substance Abuse on an Individual

Substance abuse can have a number of devastating effects on a person’s life. Not only can it lead to potential physical harm, but it can also significantly change the way a person thinks, behaves and interacts with others. Substance abuse can lead to dangerous levels of physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms, as well as a wide range of psychological and social consequences.

Physical Effects

The physical effects of substance abuse can vary greatly depending on the drug being used. The most common physical effects include liver damage, weight gain, heart problems, organ failure and an increased risk of many serious ailments, including AIDS, stroke, cancer and other diseases. Additionally, individuals using certain drugs, such as crack cocaine or heroin, may suffer from numbness, difficulty breathing and skin lesions.

Psychological Effects

In addition to the physical effects, substance abuse can also have psychological effects. This can include changes in mood, disruption of sleep patterns, inability to concentrate, anxiety, depression and difficulty with relationships. Substance abuse can also lead to an increase in risk-taking behavior, paranoia and other mental illnesses, such as bipolar disorder.

Social Effects

The social effects of substance abuse can be far-reaching and long-lasting. People who are addicted to drugs often find their relationships with family and friends significantly affected. They may also find it difficult to hold down a job or perform well in school. Furthermore, substance abusers are far more likely to engage in criminal behavior in order to obtain the drugs they need.

Financial Effects

Substance abuse can be financially devastating for addicts and their families. Not only do they have to spend large amounts of money to continually feed their addiction, but they may also end up in jail or in serious debt due to their drug-seeking behavior.


In order to combat the negative effects of substance abuse, it is important to seek professional help as soon as possible. There are a variety of effective treatment options available for both drug and alcohol abuse, including inpatient detoxification programs, residential treatment, outpatient programs and 12-step groups.


Substance abuse has a serious and long-lasting effect on individuals. Not only can it have a negative impact on physical and psychological health, but it can also lead to serious social, financial and legal consequences. Thankfully, there are a number of effective treatment options available for those who are ready to make a cha

Why Do People Abuse Substances?

Substance abuse is a serious health and social issue that affects millions of people all over the world. It is the deliberate use of drugs, alcohol, or other substances to alter one’s mental or physical state for the purpose of recreation, or to improve one’s functioning. Substance abuse is a chronic, progressive, and relapsing condition in which the user experiences difficulty controlling his or her use and engages in compulsive behaviors, such as drinking in response to negative or stressful stimuli. When someone abuses substances, it causes an array of devastating consequences, including disruption of normal family dynamics, financial problems, health complications, and legal troubles. It is important to understand why people abuse substances and the causes that lead to this severe form of destructive behavior.

One of the most common reasons why people abuse substances is to feel better. In some cases, individuals may be trying to cope with past traumatic experiences, while in other cases, they may be seeking to escape from a current stressful situation or have difficulty dealing with their emotions. Substance abuse can be used to relieve emotional pain or alter the user’s mental state to help them cope with difficult issues. It can also be used as an escape to hide from life’s problems, enabling the user to forget their troubles and become immersed in the euphoric sensation that these drugs or alcohol provide. In some instances, people may feel forced into using these substances by peer pressure or as a way to fit into certain social situations.

In addition to coping with life’s difficulties, people may abuse substances for other reasons, such as to have fun. Using drugs or alcohol can be an enjoyable experience that provides an escape from reality and a feeling of temporary freedom. For some, using drugs or alcohol can even become a form of self-medicating, in order to cope with social or economic difficulties such as poverty, social rejection, unemployment, or even lack of education. These individuals may turn to substance abuse as a way to alleviate stress or simply to fill a void in their lives.

In some cases, people may be using substances to self-medicate or to reduce pain or discomfort. Those individuals who are unable to access traditional medical care or who suffer from chronic pain or conditions may turn to drug or alcohol use as a way to cope. This is especially true among people who have been living with physical pain or emotional distress for a long period of time, as using drugs or alcohol can provide an initial sense of relief.

It is also possible that individuals may begin abusing substances as a result of mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. When an individual is struggling with mental health issues, they may turn to drugs or alcohol as a way to cope with their feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or low self-esteem. Substance abuse can also lead to an increased risk for suicide or other self-destructive behaviors, creating a cycle of substance abuse and mental health issues that can be difficult to break and overcome.

Finally, individuals may become addicted to substances as a result of genetics or environmental factors. People who have a family history of substance abuse, are exposed to frequent drug use or live in areas that are known for substance abuse, are more likely to become addicted. This is especially true among adolescents, who are highly susceptible to peer pressure and more likely to experiment with drugs or alcohol.

It is important to understand why people abuse substances in order to develop effective interventions and prevention programs. While substance abuse is a complex issue, with a variety of root causes, addressing these issues is an important step in providing individuals with the help and support they need to break the cycle of abuse and lead healthier and more productive lives.

Types of behavioral addiction

Two types of addiction exist namely behavioral and substance addiction. When an individual is addicted to substances, it means that they are addicted to alcohol or drugs.

In comparison, being addicted to a behavior means that you indulge in some activities that produce similar short-term and long-term effects like substance addiction.

Here are some of the common types of behavioral addiction

Internet addiction

In this technology age, it is easy to spend several hours on the internet because of the numerous activities that go on there. Some people spend an unhealthy amount of hours on the internet, and when they don’t have access for some time, they experience some unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.

Shopping addiction

Shopping addiction is a type of addiction that occurs when you buy things compulsively without any control. Some people go on shopping to eliminate some negative feelings, and when they are done shopping, they realize that they never needed those items.

Gambling addiction

If you see someone with a compulsive and obsessive desire to gamble because they want to win big, then they most likely have a gambling addiction. People who are addicted to gambling tend to run into huge debts because they need a constant supply of funds to keep fueling their habit.

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Sex addiction

Sex addiction is another type of behavioral addiction whose existence has been debated for a long time. However, someone dealing with sex addiction displays a compulsive pattern that is similar to being addicted to other types of addiction.

Video gaming addiction

Video gaming addiction characterizes a problematic use of video games to the point where it affects the individual in different aspects of their life.

Most times, people who struggle with video gaming addiction are teenagers and young adults. When they don’t have access to video games for some time, they exhibit withdrawal symptoms typical of substance addiction.

Food addiction

Food addiction occurs when an individual develops an emotional and psychological dependence on food. Such individuals are more likely to eat meals high in sugar, fat, salt, and fat. They will keep eating such meals not minding the negative consequences that come with it.

The difference between substance and behavioral abuse

If you find yourself doing something because you have to do it and not because you want to or because you like doing it, you might be suffering from addiction. Your uncontrollable dependence on substances like alcohol and drugs or behaviors like gambling is addiction. One common feature is that the compelling behavior interferes negatively with how your life would function. 

Although substance and behavioral abuse may be similar, they also have their differences. Behavioral addiction is dependence on the feeling you get from an activity. Substance addiction, however, is an excessive dependence on a particular substance such as drugs, alcohol, or caffeine. 

Hence, behavioral addiction comprises internet addiction, sex addiction, excessive gaming, compulsive television watching, and overeating. It can either be passive if it will not involve physical efforts as with television addiction or active if it requires physical activity just as addiction to games. 

Another difference is the physical signs present in substance addiction: bloodshot eyes and sudden mood swings.

Behavioral addiction has no physical signs to show for it but some specific symptoms that will let you know you are addicted. These symptoms are similar to that of substance abuse which is where the link between both addictions comes in. 

One of these similar symptoms is a negative effect on the relationship with family, friends, and people within a person’s social circle.

You become more interested in your behaviors or your substance use than your social relationships that you may end up withdrawing yourself from social interactions. If you attempt to quit the behavior or substance, it will seem impossible and you may end up relapsing. 

This is why you should seek professional treatment if you are suffering from either of the addictions once you become aware of your condition.

Ways to stop substance abuse

If you or a loved one is addicted to drugs, you may be searching for ways to stop substance abuse. Although it may seem easy to stop using on the surface level, only those deep in addiction will understand how difficult it is to stop. The brain is used to the drugs, alcohol, or whatever substance you are addicted to that it has altered its functioning.

There are several ways to stop substance addiction, here are of them:

  1. Defeat denial: You find it difficult to accept that you are addicted because of the fear and shame of addiction. However, accepting that you have lost control is the first step to overcoming your addiction. Own up to your weakness once you notice your dependence on these substances and stop covering it up with excuses.
  2. Enroll in a drug abuse treatment program: For proper guidance on how to stop using, you need to find an addiction treatment program to enroll. They will provide you with the resources you need to recover from addiction and maintain sobriety. 
  3. Stay committed to your treatment plan: If you are disciplined to your treatment plan, you are not likely to suffer a relapse. So, to stay sober, give your all to whatever plan or program created for your recovery. It may be 12-step or non-12-step programs created to provide never-ending support during and after your recovery program. Whichever one it is, follow diligently, with the entire process.
  4. Seek the support of family and friends: People with substance abuse disorders need the support of family and friends. Counseling sessions with your family may assist you in stopping your drug abuse. You also have the best chance of sticking to your new lifestyle if you include those who love you the most. 

It might be worthwhile to stage an intervention for your child, sibling, or friend who has a substance abuse disorder. Getting help from a substance abuse professional can help you prevent drug abuse from destroying you or your family.


An individual does not become addicted, there are a series of events that take place before it happens. These series of events are referred to as the abusive stage. During this phase, the individual abuses either a substance or a behavior.

Only few people come out of the abusive phase whole and do not get addicted, while most people leave the abusive phase and become addicted.

The concept of an abuse is fulfilled when a particular substance or behavior is taken or done repeatedly. Basically, the individual finds joy in taking that substance or performing that act.

During this time, the reward center of the brain is developing to the point where the individual is pleased with whatever he or she does.

During the abusive phase, if the individual is stopped by someone who is concerned about that case, then there is a likely chance that he or she would stop the abusive act.

For adults who are currently addicted, some of them must have started abusing from a young age, and the act developed into a full blown addiction.

One of the ways to put an end to the development of addiction is to stop abuse. When people see an abusive act as an escape route, then a full-blown addiction is imminent.

If you see someone who uses a particular substance or behavior to deal with unpleasant emotions, then the individual is on the verge of addiction.

It is important to stop an abuse before it gets to the addiction stage. At this phase, people who are abuse can still be talked to and advised, and there is a high possibility that they will take to your advice. Because when it gets to the addiction stage, it can be worse than it seems.

An abuse in motion could be responsible for the awkward way an individual behaves, so it is best to understand them. It is also essential to tolerate people who abuse substances and behaviors, and also aid them in seeking help that would make them better.


Substance abuse affects both the young and old, it is what follows before addiction sets in. So, anyone who is currently addicted has either abused substances or a behavior.

Substance abuse is dangerous as it has the capacity to wreak havoc on the lives of people who indulge in it. Globally, the common substances that people fall victim for are alcohol and drugs.

There are various problems associated with substance abuse which include physical and mental health problems. It becomes worse if the individual continues to revel in the abuse being unaware of the fact that much damage is being done to their entire wellbeing.

One of the major effects of substance abuse is damage to physical health. People who indulge in substance abuse are putting their organs at great risk. This is because, these organs have a specific mode of operation and function.

The introduction of certain substances into the body system can modify how they operate. Some of these organs would operate less, thereby resulting in a decline in productivity, while others would over-function.

Usually, the end result is distasteful because the individual runs helter-skelter seeking help from various healthcare providers.

In addition, substance abuse also causes great damage to the mental health. This implies that people who indulge in substance abuse are likely to have anxiety, depression and a host of others.

Often times, these mental health problems are associated with physical health problems. This results in a complicated case that becomes difficult to handle.

People who abuse substances often lose focus in life if they are not careful. Only few of them are fortunate to make headways in life. This is true because, at the beginning, substance abuse seems to be fun with no bad happenings in sight. However, in the mid-term and long-term, it gets worse.

Refraining from substance abuse is one of the best decisions that an individual can make. If it is difficult to decide on this, it is a great idea to see a counselor or an addiction therapist who would provide you with assistance.



In every country, substance abuse is prevalent. Although, it is at varying rates, the effect which it has on the populace of each country, are similar when compared to one another.

Below are the few reasons why people are hooked on substance abuse

  • They think it eases suffering: Now, this is one of the myths which people have about drugs and alcohol. A good number of them are of the opinion that once you take drugs or alcohol, whatever mental illness you have, be it depression, anxiety and the likes, would subside. However, the fact is, the effect is ephemeral, with time, the mental illness returns in full force.

It is understandable that mental illness is a huge burden to bear, and that people would give anything to ensure that they are relieved of pain, it should be noted that drugs and alcohol cannot provide a permanent relief.

People who have mental illness find it hard to visit a doctor. Hence, they turn to drugs or alcohol in order to find a solution to the problem themselves.

  • Community pressure: By community pressure, it means that the family, friends, the social media and the likes, also have a part to play in the life of someone who is addicted. When an individual sees that people around them use such substances and they are seemingly okay, they feel it is the best move, hence, they put them to use. Research has shown that individuals whose families have a history of substance addiction, are more likely to come down with addiction, than those whose families have no history of addiction.
  • To relieve boredom: For some people, the reason why they got hooked on drugs and alcohol, is because they sought ways on how to dismiss boredom. This is very common in teenagers and young adults. Since they hardly go through much stress than the older generation, it is easy for them to get bored, and the desire to try something different sets in.
  • To relieve stress: This reason applies to the older generation. Our world is one which is full of various forms of challenges which individuals have to face on a regular basis. These challenges induce stress, and the way which most people have resorted to, in a bid to challenge this stress, is to take drugs and alcohol.

Stop Abusing Substances

stop substance abuseA person must simply understand the reasons why quitting substance abuse is important, what to expect from the process of quitting and where to turn for help. Quitting substance abuse is not an easy task by any means. It involves discomfort, negative emotions and sometimes physical illness. However, it is something that millions of people have done successfully around the world, and every person is capable of achieving it with the right help.

A sober lifestyle is a wise but difficult change to make. When you make the decision to quit substance abuse, you should know that you are in for a challenge. Even if the body and the brain are not dependent on the substance, they are accustomed to it, and they will crave it. It is up to you to manage the triggers and urges to relapse by developing healthy alternatives and coping mechanisms. You should be prepared for irritability, mood swings, cravings and other frustrations.

That you should quit substance abuse is a given, but why you should quit substance abuse is not known to everyone. Mood altering substances, such as alcohol and drugs, have enjoyable short term effects but negative long term effects. They inevitably do damage to a person’s physical and mental health. In the short term, they make a person relaxed, loosened up, forgetful and without a sense of consequence. But in the long term, they create chemical imbalance within the body and brain.

There are many resources available to the public that are aimed at making the transition to sobriety as painless as possible. Quitting substance abuse is widely known to be difficult, which is why no one expects you to go through it alone. Some of these services include rehabilitation treatment centers, support groups, counseling, sponsorship and self help methods. They provide a support system, a sober environment, sound advice and a defense against substance abuse to allow you to fully rediscover your sobriety.

An Illogical Habit

illogical substance abuseIt is common, when trying to lend a person empathy, to try to understand how they think and get inside their head. We attempt to do this for people going through a hard time or struggling mentally. We even attempt to do this when a person is abusing a substance. However, a person need not bother trying to understand why someone may abuse a substance. The fact is, there is no logic to discover, and the harder you try to understand substance abuse, the more tied into knots you will become.

Looking for logic in substance abuse can only result in unhealthy thinking on the part of the empathetic party. Much like Stockholm syndrome, a person trying to empathize with substance abuse is essentially relating to broken thinking, which is not good for anyone. Empathizing with this behavior can only result in justifying it, enabling it or getting sucked into substance abuse yourself. Justifying substance abuse is horribly counterproductive because there is no good reason for destructive behavior. Enabling it is doing a disservice to the substance abuser because it assists their self destruction. And emulating the substance abuse is a terrible practice of boundaries, self respect and good judgment.

The truth is that substance abuse is an absence of logic, a bad habit, a maladaptive behavior and a type of mental problem. Abusing a substance represents broken logic, not different logic, which does not deserve to be pursued. It is merely a type of bad habit that one develops because of underlying issues. It is also a way of coping with and interacting with the world that is maladaptive, meaning the individual engaging in it developed the habit against their own better self preservation. And lastly, substance abuse is a certified mental problem that entire treatment programs are geared toward correcting. It frequently comes with a type of mental illness, such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder or ADHD.